Greeting my fellow bloggers, my name is Rico Jones and I attendant Ohio State University. School so far hasn’t been much of an honor. I am someone who have very high standard when it come to my grades. My two quarters at Ohio State was very poorly completed because of lack of determination, and motivation. Coming out of high school my GPA was a 3.6 so that let you know that I am someone who is capable of reaching my academic achievements. My lack of academic progress have resulted to me being put on academic probation. So this quarter I’m going to walk you through my time spent at Ohio State. What do I hope to learn from this experience? If using good tactics and good decision making will result and an excellent outcome. I also want to learn about other people’s outlook on my day to day competition with school. Lastly I want to learn something about myself and how I handle controversy.When receiving this assignment I really wanted to pick a topic that would keep me motivated throughout the quarter. My preparation for success will give me more to talk about in my blogs. There is still question out there that needs to be answered but soon they will.
Your Blog Face
15 years ago
Stay focused, work hard. It's all easier said then done but it's all about had bad you want it. Good luck!